Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hand Me Downs

Sunday, October 10-
Jeff is one that loves clothes, yet hates to spend money. I am constantly looking for ways to sneak clothes into his closet. He is much more sentimental than I am and loves to keep everything! Where money is less this year, and we are having to make cuts. I was just thinking that new clothes would definitely be out at this point.
Sunday evening a friend stopped by with two large bags of basically brand new clothes for Jeff. They were her brothers and most looked like they had never been worn, many with new tags. They were nicer than anything we would ever buy for him :) Who am I to doubt that God is big enough to not only supply our needs, but often our wants. He is a God who delights in the little things. To many people, bags of hand me downs are little things, but to us, on this day it was another reminder that my God is in the business of surprising us with desires. At other times I know that He says to wait, to be content, to be obedient, and I learn and trust in these times as well. Had I been able to go out and buy Jeff a closet of clothes, the bag of hand me downs would have meant far less. Once again, I am experiencing the hand of God, and His peace in my life more than any other time.
It also makes me think that God desires for us embrace the ways we can bring "hand me downs" to others. Maybe not in the literal sense, but what has God given us that has brought us life that we can give to others. I often think that what means something to me will make no difference to the next person. For most it may not, but there may be that one that is impacted by something that impacted me, whether it be a story, song, conversation or even clothes. Pray that God reveals the hand me downs that you can give.

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