Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Tuesday, October 12-
My Emma is terrified of lizards. It is definitely a phobia of sorts and she cannot function when there is a reptile (specifically lizard) anywhere around. As she was getting in the car yesterday after school she let out a terrifying yell that brought other parents to my car wondering what was wrong. She sat curled in a ball in the front seat, screaming. Eventually I learned that she had opened the door and a lizard had run out of the car onto her. I was not sure that I actually believed her.
This evening as we were getting into the car I noticed a reptile skin on Nathan's car seat. Within seconds I heard the same blood curdling scream from Emma, and Carter was quick to yell that there was a large lizard running up the back seat. Nathan chimed in with the hysteria and we even got the dog barking :) As I eventually got everyone back into the house and closed the car up (we'll save the lizard hunt in the car for daddy to do) I realized that my little girl was truly petrified. She was begging to be held. Now, I had an initial thought to tell her it was fine and that she needed to get over her paralyzing fear. I realized then that I was not all that comfortable with lizards either, especially ones in my car and had I been 5 I would have been near hysteria too. I held my little girl, we prayed that her fear would be gone and I told her mommy had been frightened too. Even though the lizard could not hurt her, they can definitely look creepy.
I have been having many battles with Emma lately. She is a mini me, and I
now feel some of what my mom must have experienced with me. Nothing is ever right where I am concerned. As I held my Emma in her moment of terror with the lizard, I connected with her at a level where we agreed. I forgot the argument of moments earlier and for that moment I saw my baby just needing and loving her mama. I pray I hold onto those moments with her, the times where we see eye to eye. I pray I see her heart as she grows older, that I learn what speaks love to her and that I convey her worth and beauty always.

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